Category: Ako | Learn

Dirty Work Drama!

Malo e lelei Bloggers!

We were given the oppertunity by Justin (Guy who teaches Kapa Haka online) to watch a drama show he was in. On Wednesday the 28th of June the whole school got to see a Drama show called ‘Drity Work at the Q Theatre. We met in the hall after ourย  20 minute break at 9:50 and we had to line up in our classes, we talked about the expectations for our time at the Q Theatre. We got split into our buses and left to the city, we got out of our buses and walked the rest of the way. We sat in the lounge of the Q Theatre, there was these cool looking stringy curtains that covered bits and pieces of the chairs, couch, and tables, I found it pretty loud as we mixed with the other classes again because mostly everyone was talking and shadowboxing. Turns out there were 2 other schools coming to watch the drama as well! The 2 schools had to say at the bottom of the seats while our school got to sit in the ‘God Seats’ and “”. My Favourite part was when one of the main characters named Joy said “Zara! Just shut up!” and everyone went ‘Oohhhh’, actually there was many parts that made the Theatre go ‘Ooohhh’ and one of those parts that had the Theatre silent, shocked, and smiling in amusement was when another main character Neil said to Zara (The third Main character) “I’m so happy I could Kiss you!” and heads turned to some people. Anyways here are some photos!

โ•šยปโ˜…Where we are meant to beโ˜…ยซโ•

Malo e lelei fellow bloggers!

Today our Cybersmart lesson was about ‘Being in the Right Place at the Righ Time’ and we got to add this information on scratch. When I type that I mean we got to use scratch, firstly we had to screenshot 5 sites we had to be on for our learning. Then we had to explain what it was and why we use that site. I found the coding easy when I started, but then I found dome difficulties with the text lining up with the background.

Heres my work:

If you have any tips or tricks that could help improve, or if you have any feedback please let me know!

Why do we Blog?

Kia ora bloggers!

Today we looked at what makes a great or interesting blog post and why we blog, lets start with why do we blog. We may be blogging to show and share our work to other students, parents, teachers and principal, we also blog to share what we have learnt, teach others about our learning and to improve our learning.ย  For the ‘What makes an interesting blog post’ we were allowed to use Google docs, drawings, slides, screen shots, photos and screen cast. For this I used Google slides and made 3 slides, the 1st slide was the topic which was ‘Why do we blog’, the 2nd slide had the ideas to ‘why do we blog?’ and the ideas were bullet pointed, and last but not least I have the 3rd slide which had ‘How do we create a great blog post?’ that slide had three things on it. The bit I really enjoyed was making all three slides.

What are your ideas on why do we blog?

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